Donnerstag, 10. September 2009

Last Entry

Our Trip around da World is officially finished! We'd like to thank everyone who we had a good time with. See you all soon somewhere. Remeber, the world is small!

To be continued ... :-)

PS: For all non-bülach-locals: These three pics are taken in front of my house, overlooking the small town of Bülach

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2009

Around Kelowna - the famous Okanagan Valley

On the way from Vancouver to the dry and sunny Okanagan Valley we had some severe engine troubles. Cause the temperature-gauge on the dash board is sometimes increasing really high, we never can be sure if we ever reach our next destination. But we are still on the road...

We found some nice Bike rides, especially in this bizarr-looking forest which had been destroyed in a huge forest fire in 2003. Compared to West-South BC are the trails here much drier and dustier but not less fun.
After a couple of nights living in our Van and go "showering" in some of various lakes we moved to my parents' friends house in Lake Country.

Family Pollock

After our trip to Vancouver Island and Sunshinecoast we felt glad that we could return to our nice and friendly family in North-Van. We spent the time having good meals (thanks to Heather), playing hard the different Canadien Games like Horseshoe-Throwing and listening to a great final private concert of the two versed Guitar, Ukulele, Banjo and Madolin Player Lee and John. Thank you very much, especially to Laura, that you all opened your house and we could get in touch with your life. We really felt comfortable or in Swiss German "heimelig".

Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2009

Squamish and famous Whistler

Schlussendli hemrs au no nach Whistler gschaft. Off-Season kaenneds da noed, mit ihrem riisige Agebot a Outdoor Sportart isch da immer was los. Sicher hends eine vode groesste und vielfaeltigste Bikeparks, aber au jede Menge Singletrails wo sAdrenalin id Vene spuehlt...
Nebet dae zimlich tuere Villene und pompoese Hueser,, hemrs vorzoge  ufem gratis! Parkplatz zhuuse une euses Meal zkoche.

Wiiter zur Sunshine Coast

Canada day hemr daen ade Sunshine Coast wieder zrug ufem Mainland verbracht. Me het gseh, dass dCanadier au e gwuessi patriotischi Adere hend... 
Wiiterhin hemer weider jensti verschiedeni Trails mit em Bike grockt...